‘Dead Art’


Sticking out in my mind when analyzing topics and discussing within DH-6005 The History and Theory of Digital Arts is a statement made in one of the very first classes.

If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?” Is everyone an Artist? Is everything Art if we or any individual perceives it to be?

I approached this assignment with this in mind and the idea of collaboration. We as a class collaborating together to form ideas and concepts, each adding our own beliefs, strengths and experiences to create something we all deem ‘beautiful’ .This pieces embodies that as a collaboration of  smaller pieces blending together to create one ‘beautiful’ piece.

I’ve  dug deeper into this piece and created layers. I’ve used 10+ pictures in multiple ways to create one main image, each of these 10+ images together portrays 10 concepts that I have taken from this module (multiple images portraying different aspects of the same concept). Each image has been either collected, modified or created with a specific quote or topic in mind. I kept these individual image basic to emphasis the ‘If a tree fall in a forest’ concept. I personally deem all these images to be art as I have a story or concept behind them but will everybody else?

Finally my main image created is a replica of a photograph I took surrounding Baudrillards Theory of Hyper-reality. The picture shows me in real-time through an Iphone camera and photographed through a Macbook.

“Hyperreality is seen as a condition in which what is real and what is fiction are seamlessly blended together so that there is no clear distinction between where one ends and the other begins.”

Is clear representation of me through the IPhone? Is this just representing real? Blurred lines between what is reality and fiction.

I created this piece in Photoshop, resizing and adjusting each pictures hue, colour and saturation to match the colouring of the original image.

Individual Picture Concepts:

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